Basic Effects Mode
The next five lines show the IDs and names of the FX Presets assigned to the five effects buses
(insert FXBuses 1–4 and the AuxFX bus). You can’t change these assignments on the
KDFXMode:MAIN page; to do that you would highlight the Studio name (line two of this page)
then press Edit. This takes you to the Studio Editor, on the appropriate FXBUS page for the first
bus. Use the Chan/Bank buttons to move between buses.
Each of these five lines also indicates the bypass status for the five buses, as well as the number
of PAUs used by each FXBus. A dash (-) indicates active/enabled, and B indicates bypassed/
disabled. You can change the bypass status for a bus by moving the cursor to this field and
changing it with either the alpha wheel or pressing one of the increment/decrement buttons.
The size of each FX Preset is measured in PAUs (processor allocation units). FXBuses 1–4 can all
use up to four PAUs, but the studio can use a maximum of four total PAUs. The AuxFX bus can
use up to three PAUs independent of the insert FXBuses.
Soft Buttons in Effects Mode
The MAIN button takes you to the KDFXMode:MAIN page, where you can view the current
studio and the FX Presets assigned to the five KDFX buses.
The CTRL button takes you to the KDFXMode:CTRL page, which contains parameters that
determine which studio gets selected when you select a program, setup, or song.
Soft Buttons: Configuring Bypasses
You can individually bypass any of the EQ and effects inputs, and also mute any of the FXBuses
(the four insert FXBuses and the AuxFX bus). In the enabled state, nothing is muted or bypassed.
The K2661 always starts up in the enabled state.
Use these soft buttons to perform bypasses and muting:
EQBYP Displays EQ Bypass page, where you can bypass the EQ on each individual
input bus.
FXBYP Displays FX Bypass page, where you can bypass the effects on individual
BUSMUT Displays the BusMute page, where you can mute the output of individual
BypAll/Enable Toggles between enabled state and default bypass state (all buses bypassed,
none muted). If you have created a custom bypass scene, BypAll resets it to
the default bypass state. See page 9-11 for information on creating a custom
bypass scene.
You may also use either of the Chan/Bank buttons to toggle between enabled
and bypassed states. This will often be preferable, since Chan/Bank, unlike
BypAll, does not reset the bypass state to the default (all buses bypassed,
none muted). Instead, Chan/Bank toggles between the enabled state and any
custom bypass scene you may have created, allowing you to audition a studio
with and without bypasses.