Basic Disk Mode
Saving Files
Everything files consist of the Master file parameters and every other RAM object. Saving an
Everything file will literally save everything in RAM, including samples, into a single file.
Soft Buttons in the Save Selection Dialog
The meaning of the soft buttons in the “Save selection” dialog is as follows:
Export Save a sample or a song in an exported file format (that is, AIFF, WAVE,
MIDI Type 0 or Type 1). This feature is described in the Musician’s Guide.
Macro Save entries from the current macro table as a macro file (.MAC). This soft button is
displayed only if macro file recording is on.
Object Save selected objects from the K2661’s RAM.
NewDir Create a new directory on the current disk, and return to this dialog afterwards.
This is described previously in Creating Directories on page 13-11.
OK Save all the objects from the highlighted bank (for example, 200...299), and
optionally also save dependent objects.
Cancel Exit from the Save function.
Export, Macro, and NewDir are all explained in the Musician’s Guide. This section will describe
the process of saving K2661 objects into K2661 format disk files.
Saving Individual Objects
You can select any group of objects in the K2661’s RAM for saving into a single file.To save
individual objects, from the above dialog, press Object. The K2661 will display a scrollable list
of all the objects in RAM, very similar to the display for the Load Object feature (described
The procedures for saving objects are essentially the same as the procedures described on
page 13-14 for loading objects.
Shortcuts when Saving Objects
Select All/Deselect All
Selecting or deselecting all of the objects at once can be done with the following double-presses
(two front-panel buttons simultaneously pressed):
• Left/Right cursor double-press: Select All Objects
• Up/Down cursor double-press: Clear All Selections