K2661 Boot Block
Starting the Boot Block
Appendix A
K2661 Boot Block
The Boot Block is a part of the K2661 software that lets you update the K2661 operating system
and objects from either a SCSI device or the SmartMedia drive. The Boot Block also provides
diagnostics options for service personnel and a reset option.
Note: Your K2661 comes from the factory with the operating system and ROM objects already installed.
You do not need to run the K2661 Boot Block to start up a new K2661.
Starting the Boot Block
When you start the K2661, it displays a “Please wait...” message and waits for approximately
two seconds. Press and release the Exit button while the “Please wait...” message is displayed to
start the Boot Block. Otherwise, the K2661 will start up normally.
When the Boot Block starts, it will test the K2661's files to make sure they are valid. Press the OK
soft button to invoke the highlighted menu option.
Boot Block Main Menu
The Main Menu looks and functions similarly to other K2661 menus. Press one of these soft
buttons to access a function:
• Install – lets you update the K2661’s operating system, Boot Block, and/or objects from a
SmartMedia card or disk drive connected via SCSI.
• Run – starts the K2661 in its regular operating mode.
• Reset – performs a hard reset.
• DIAGS – runs diagnostic tests for troubleshooting issues with the K2661.
Updating K2661 Software
From time-to-time, Kurzweil Music Systems may release updates to the K2661’s operating
system, Boot Block, and/or objects. Generally, these will be posted at our web site: