The Channels Page
Use this parameter to turn the currently selected channel on or off. When on, the channel will
receive MIDI information, and the settings of the parameters on the MIDI CHANNELS page
will be in effect. When off, the channel will ignore all MIDI information.
Use this parameter to assign a program to the currently selected channel. The channel will still
respond to program change commands received via MIDI, unless the PrgLock parameter
(described below) is set to On.
This offsets the pan position of the current program as set on the OUTPUT page in the Program
Editor. A value of 0 is maximum offset to the left, 64 is no offset, and 127 is maximum offset to
the right. Changing the value of this parameter is like inserting a MIDI pan message. MIDI Pan
(MIDI 10) messages will change the value of this parameter, unless the PanLock parameter
(described below) is set to On.
If the Mode parameter on the OUTPUT page in the Program Editor is set to Fixed, changing the
value of Pan on the CHANNELS page in MIDI mode has no effect.
This sets the volume for any program assigned to the currently selected channel. A value of 0 is
silence, and a value of 127 is full volume. The value of this parameter will change in response to
MIDI Volume (MIDI 07) messages, unless the VolLock parameter (described below) is set to On.
Output Pair (OutPair)
This parameter sets the audio output group for the program assigned to the currently selected
channel. The default value of Prog means that the output group is determined by the program’s
value for the Pair parameter on the OUTPUT page in the Program Editor. In this case, the
channel’s output group changes depending on the program assigned to it, with the output
group being routed on a per layer basis within the program. Values of KDFX-A, KDFX-B,
KDFX-C, or KDFX-D fix the output group regardless of the program that’s assigned to the
Output Gain (OutGain)
OutGain boosts or cuts the level at the audio outputs for any program assigned to the currently
selected channel. This allows you to make a program louder or softer without having to edit the
Program Program list Program ID 1
Pan 0 to 127 64 (centered)
Volume 0 to 127 127 (maximum)
Output Pair Prog, KDFX-A to KDFX-D Prog
Output Gain Prog, –12 to 30 dB in 6 dB increments Prog
Program Lock Off, On Off
Pan Lock Off, On Off
Volume Lock Off, On Off
Parameter Range of Values Default