Playing the Presets
Many setups include arpeggiation and note-triggered songs to create some pretty amazing
grooves that you can use as is, or as templates for your own material. As you play with these
setups, experiment with the sliders and other controllers for a wide range of effects. Some of
these grooves keep playing after you’ve released the keys that got them going. When you want
to stop them, select another setup, or press the Setup mode button.
Quick Access
A really convenient way to select programs and setups is to use Quick Access mode, where you
select a Quick Access bank from a list of factory preset or user-programmed banks. Each bank
contains ten memory slots, or entries, where you can store any combination of programs or
setups. While you’re in Quick Access mode, you can select any program or setup in the bank
with buttons 0 through 9.
The K2661 comes with a few Quick Access banks already programmed so you can get an idea of
how they work. You’ll probably create your own Quick Access banks to help you select
programs and setups with a minimum of searching. Press the Quick Access mode button to the
left of the display. Its LED lights, to tell you you’re in Quick Access mode. You’ll see a display
that looks like this:
The top line of the display tells you which Quick Access bank is selected. Use the Chan/Bank
buttons (to the left of the display) to scroll through the banks. The names of each of the ten
entries in the bank are listed in the center of the display. Many of their names will be
abbreviated. The currently selected entry’s full name is shown near the bottom of the display.
The amount of transposition is displayed to the left of the entry name. If the current entry is a
program, you’ll see the current keyboard (MIDI) channel displayed to the right of the entry’s
name. If it’s a setup, you’ll see the word Setup.
The entries on the Quick Access page are arranged to correspond to the layout of the numeric
buttons on the alphanumeric pad. On the page above, for example, the program
SINK MONSTA is entry 5, and can be selected by pressing 5 on the alphanumeric pad.
When you’re ready to create your own Quick Access banks, turn to Chapter 8 to learn about the
Quick Access Editor.