Song Mode
Song Mode: The MIX Page
Track Status Indicators
Using the Up, Down, Left, and Right cursor buttons to position the cursor onto a Track Status
Indicator, you can toggle an empty track (-) into Record (R) with the Alpha Wheel or Plus or
Minus buttons.
Once a track contains data, it will have a (P) as a Track Status Indicator, and it will be played
during playback. You now will be able to toggle between Play (P), Mute (M), and Record (R).
The track selected as the RecTrk will display an (R), designating it as the record-enabled track. If
the RecTrk is set to Mult, then all of the empty tracks will have Record (R) as their Track Status
Indicator. If RecMode is not set to Mult and there isn’t a track with an (R), the RecTrk
parameter’s value will be None. If you are in Multi record mode, and have turned all
record-enabled tracks (R) back to empty (-) so that there isn’t a track with an (R), the RecTrk
remains set to Mult.
Quick Mute Track Bank Indicator
This parameter appears as an underscore directly below the graphics for either the bank of
Tracks 1–8 or Tracks 9–16. It indicates which bank of eight tracks will respond to the Quick Mute
feature, described with the Tr 1-8/Tr9-16 soft buttons, below. It also indicates which tracks
respond to the keyboard model’s sliders for adjusting track volume.
Soft Buttons on the MIX Page
Record, Play(Pause), and Stop work the same as they do on the MAIN page, described earlier.
Tr 1-8 / (Tr 9-16): The eight mode select buttons to the left of the display are used as Track Mutes
when on the MIX page. For example, press the Setup button to mute Track 2; notice that its track
status indicator changes to M. Each of these buttons has an LED to indicate that the
corresponding track is being muted, but since there are sixteen tracks and only eight buttons,
this soft button will select, and display, the bank of eight tracks that can be muted in this fashion.
Press the Tr 1-8 soft button to toggle the Quick Mute Track Bank Indicator under tracks 1 -8 or
tracks 9 - 16, selecting which bank of eight tracks will respond to the Quick Mute feature.
Keep: If you have made any changes to the initial program, volume or panning of a track on the
MIX page, press Keep to prompt this dialog:
Press Yes if you are sure you want to update the initial program change, MIDI volume, and pan
settings for tracks already containing data in the current song, to the new values you just made
on the MIX page. The settings will be modified and you are returned to the MIX page. Press No
to abort the updating of the initial program change, MIDI volume and pan settings for the
current song.
MAIN returns you to the MAIN page.