Contemporary ROM Block Objects
Program Control Assignments
838 Jazz Muted Trp
839 Jazz Lab Band Vibrato, Swell
840 Harmon Section Vibrato Vibrato, Swell
841 Sfz Cres Brass Vibrato Wet/Dry mix Vibrato, Swell
842 Neo Stabs Vibrato Vibrato, Filter ctl
843 Gtr Jazz Band
LH bass is layered with ride for walking rhythm section.
LH hard strikes trigger kick/snare.
Data slider switches RH from guitar to horn section;
SostPed holds horns and adds bright tenor.
844 Full Rock Band
LH bass is layered with kick/snare for driving rhythm section.
At ff, crash cymbal is triggered.
Mod wheel and pressure enable rotary speaker for RH organ.
Data slider switches LH to walking rhythm section, and RH to guitar solo.
Drum Kits
845 World Rave Kit Disable chirps
Wet/Dry mix, Disable
claps (G6-G#6)
846 Punch Gate Kit Wet/Dry mix
847 Shadow Kit Flanging (A#3-B3) Wet/Dry mix
848 Fat Traps Filter (C2-A#2) Wet/Dry mix
849 Generator Kit Disable claps (G3-G#3) Wet/Dry mix
850 Shudder Kit Wet/Dry mix
851 Crowd Stomper Wet/Dry mix
852 Econo Kit Gate time (G3-C#4) Wet/Dry mix
853 EDrum Kit 1
Gate time (B2-D#3, G3-C#4),
Pitch (D6)
Wet/Dry mix Pitch (D6) Sust ped chokes cymbal (F#5)
854 EDrum Kit 2 Filter ctl (A#1-C2, F#6-C7) Wet/Dry mix
855 Dog Chases Tail Various loop effects Tempo (pitch)
Loops below E4 are tuned to play
together, as are loops above E4.
856 Saw Loop Factory Layer balance Tempo (pitch)
857 Two Live Bass Vibrato Layer select Vibrato
858 Dual/Tri Bass Vibrato Ghost note enable Vibrato
859 Clav-o-Bass Vibrato Wet/Dry mix Vibrato
860 ChirpBass Vibrato Wet/Dry mix Vibrato
861 DigiBass
862 Mono Synth Bass Filter Pitch bend goes +2/-12ST
863 Touch MiniBass Vibrato Vibrato, Swell
864 Ostinato Bass EQ
865 House Bass Vibrato Release ctl Vibrato
866 Dubb Bass Vibrato Release ctl Vibrato
867 Straight Strat Tremolo EQ
868 Chorus Gtr Wet/Dry mix Detune
869 Strataguitar Alt start
870 Elect 12 String Detune Wet/Dry mix, EQ Vibrato
871 Dyn Jazz Guitar Wet/Dry mix PBend gives fretboard slide
872 Pedal Steel Vibrato Vibrato
873 Strummer DistGtr Vibrato Vibrato
874 Rock Axe Alt start EQ Feedback
875 Hammeron Timbre ctl Timbre ctl
876 Rock Axe Mono Alt start EQ, Delay Feedback
Synth Timbres
877 Attack Stack Vibrato Wet/Dry mix Vibrato
Prg ID Program Name Mod Wheel Data MPress Comments