Basic Disk Mode
Saving Files
Saving Files
The Save button starts the process of saving from the K2661 to the currently selected device.
When you press the Save soft button on the Disk-mode page you will see the bank dialog:
The Macro soft button will be present only if macro recording is turned on. (See the Musician’s
Guide for more information on macros.)
You can save an entire bank of objects, or by pressing the Object soft button, select individual
objects to be saved. If you choose to save using the bank method, all RAM objects within that
bank will be saved. (You cannot save ROM objects. If you wish to save a ROM object, such as a
program, you must first save it internally as a RAM program.) If any objects within the selected
bank have dependent RAM objects that exist in a different bank, you will be asked if you want
to save dependent objects. See page 13-28 for more on saving dependent objects.
Use one of the data-entry methods to select a bank to be saved. If you press the Cancel soft
button, you’ll return to the Disk-mode page. After you’ve selected the bank, press OK. The
following page will appear:
You can now name the file according to the naming procedures outlined in Chapter 5. You can
enter up to eight characters. When you’ve entered a name, press OK to save the file as shown in
the display, or press Cancel to return to the file dialog. When the file is saved, the K2661 adds an
extension (.K26) to the filename. This enables the K2661 to recognize it as a Kurzweil file when it
examines the disk’s directory.
Saving Master and Everything Files
Among your choices in the Bank dialog are Master files and Everything files. Master files consist
primarily of the items on the Master-mode page and the three MIDI-mode pages. They also
include information like marked pages, view settings, and MIDI channel and program
assignment. In fact, saving Master files (or dumping them via SysEx) is a good way to configure
your K2661 (or another K2661) to your performance or sequencing needs. For example, you
might save different Master files with every sequence you create using an external sequencer.
Then, when you load the Master file, you would have all the correct programs assigned to the
appropriate MIDI channels.