Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 71
Disassembly (Fig. 42)
1. Plug motor ports and clean the outside of the motor
thoroughly. After cleaning, remove plugs and drain any
oil out of the motor.
2. Use a marker to make a diagonal line across the
frontflange,bodyandrearcovertoallow correctcompo-
nent alignment during assembly.
IMPORTANT: Avoid using excessive clamping
pressure on the motor flange to prevent damage.
3. Clamp front flange of motor in a vise with the shaft
end down. Useof avise withsoft jaws is recommended.
4. Loosen cap screws that secure rear cover.
5. Remove motor from vise and remove cap screws.
6. Removefrontflangefromthe body,then removerear
cover. Locate and remove dowel pins from body.
IMPORTANT: Markthe relative positions of the gear
teeth and the bearing blocks so they can be re-
assembled in the same position. Do not touch the
gearsurfacesasresidueon handsmaybe corrosive
to gear finish.
7. Place motor on its side and push on the rear bearing
block to remove bearing block and gear set.
8. Carefully remove and discard o--rings, pressure
seals and back--up rings from motor. Do not cause any
damage to the machined grooves during the removal
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage the counter
bore when removing the shaft seals from the front
9. Position front flange with seal side up. Remove re-
taining ring, shaft seals and washer (if equipped).
10.Remove relief valves from rear cover. Discard seal-
ing washers.
11.Washall parts in cleaningsolvent. Check all parts for
burrs, scoring, nicks and other damage. If gears, hous-
ingorbearing blocksare damagedorseverely worn,en-
tire motor should be replaced.
Assembly (Fig. 42)
NOTE: When assembling the motor, check the marker
line made during disassembly to make sure parts are
properly aligned during assembly.
1. Lubricate new o--rings, pressure seals, back--up
gaskets and seal grooves with a thin coat of petroleum
jelly. Lubricate all other internal parts freely with clean
hydraulic oil.
2. Install new shaft seals and washer (if equipped) into
front flange. Install retaining ring making sure that it is
seated in flange groove.
3. Install lubricated pressure seals into the machined
grooves of the bearing blocks and follow by carefully
placing the back--up rings into the grooves.
4. Install lubricated o--rings to the body.
5. Lubricate gear faces and bearing surfaces of drive
gear, idler gear and bearing blocks with clean hydraulic
oil. Carefully assemble bearing blocks and gears noting
identification marks made during disassembly.
6. Position the motor body on its side. Carefully slide
bearing block and gear assembly into the body cavity
using identification marks made during disassembly.
7. Remove any excess lubrication from mating sur-
faces of body, rear cover and front flange. Make sure
that these surfaces are clean and dry.
8. Install dowel pins in body.
IMPORTANT: Do not dislodge o--rings, pressure
seals or back--up rings during final assembly.
9. Gently slide the rear cover onto the assembly using
marker line for proper location.
10.Positionthe motorwith rear cover downwards.Care-
fullyslide the frontflange onto theassembly using mark-
er line for proper location. Take care to not damage the
seal during front flange installation. Firm hand pressure
should be sufficient to engage the dowel pins.
11.Install the four (4) cap screws and hand tighten.
IMPORTANT: Avoid using excessive clamping
pressure on the motor front flange to prevent dam-
12.Place motor front flange in a vise and alternately
torque the cap screws from 35 to 40 ft--lb (47 to 55
13.Lubricate and install new sealing washers on relief
valves. Install relief valves into rear cover ports and
torque from 11 to 15 ft--lb (15 to 20 N--m).
14.Put a small amount of hydraulic oil in port on motor
and rotate shaftone revolution.Protect theshaft if using
a pliers. If shaft binds, disassemble motor and repeat
assembly process.
15.Remove motor from vise.