Rev. F
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DHydraulic System Page 4 - 50
Check Hydraulic Lines and Hoses
Keep body and hands away from pin hole leaks
or nozzles that eject hydraulic fluid under high
pressure. Use paper or cardboard, not hands, to
search for leaks. Hydraulic fluid escaping under
pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate
the skin and cause serious injury. If fluid is in-
jected into the skin, it must be surgically re-
moved within a few hours by a doctor familiar
withthistype ofinjury.Gangrenemayresultfrom
such an injury.
IMPORTANT: Checkhydrauliclines and hoses daily
for leaks, kinked lines, loose mounting supports,
wear, loose fittings, weather deterioration and
chemical deterioration. Make all necessary repairs
before operating.
Flush Hydraulic System
IMPORTANT: Flush the hydraulic system any time
there is a severe component failure or the system is
contaminated (oil appears milky, black, or contains
metal particles).
IMPORTANT: Flush hydraulic system when chang-
Ing from petroleum base hydraulic fluid to a biode-
gradable fluid such as Mobil EAU 224H. Operate
machine under normal operating conditions for at
least four (4) hours before draining.
1. Parkmachine on alevel surface. Lower cuttingunits,
stop engine, and engage parking brake. Remove key
from the ignition switch.
Operate all hydraulic controls to relieve system
pressure and avoid injury from pressurized hy-
draulic oil. Controls must be operated with the
ignition switch in OFF.Remove key from theigni-
tion switch.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to clean around hydraulic
connections that will be disconnected for draining.
2. Drain hydraulic reservoir (see Change Hydraulic
3. Drain hydraulic system. Drain all hoses, tubes, and
components while the system is warm.
4. Change and replace oil filter (see Change Hydraulic
Oil Filter).
5. Inspect and clean hydraulic reservoir (see Hydraulic
Reservoir Inspection).
6. Reconnect all hydraulic hoses, lines, and compo-
nents that were disconnected while draining system.
Note: Use only hydraulicfluids specified inOperator’s
Manual. If changing to to biodegradable fluid, use Mobil
EAU 224H for this step. Other fluids may cause system
7. Fill hydraulic reservoir with new hydraulic fluid (see
Change Hydraulic Fluid).
8. Disconnectelectricalconnectorfromrun (ETR)sole-
9. Make sure traction pedal and lift control lever are in
the neutral position. Turn ignition key switch; engage
starter for fifteen (15) seconds to prime the pump. Allow
starter to cool and then repeat this step.
10.Connect electrical connector to run (ETR) solenoid.
11.Start engine and run at low idle (1150 RPM) for a
minimum of 2 minutes. Increase engine speed to high
idle (3200 RPM) for minimum of 1 minuteunder noload.
12.Raise and lower cutting units several times. Turn
steering wheel fully left and right several times.
13.Shut off engine and check for hydraulic oil leaks.
Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
amount of oil if necessary.
14.Operatemachinefor 2hours undernormaloperating
15.Check condition of hydraulic oil. If the new fluid
shows any signs of contamination, repeat steps 1
through 15 again until oil is clean. If you are changing to
biodegradable fluid, repeat steps 1 through 15 again at
least once and until the oil is clean.
16.Assume normal operation and follow recommended
maintenance intervals.