Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
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Electrical System (Rev. C)
Special Tools
Order special tools from your Toro Distributor. Some
tools may be listed in the Parts Catalog for the Reelmas-
ter6500-D or 6700-D. Some tools may also be available
from a local supplier.
Digital Multimeter
The meter can test electrical components and circuits
for current, resistance, or voltage drop.
NOTE: Toro recommends the use of a DIGITAL multi-
meter when testing electrical circuits. The high imped-
ance (internal resistance) of a digital meter will ensure
thatexcess currentis not allowed throughthe meter.Ex-
cesscurrentcancausedamageto acircuitthatisnotde-
signed to carry it.
Figure 1
Inductive Ammeter (AC/DC Current Transducer - Hall Effect)
Use this tool,connected toa Digitalmultimeter for doing
current draw tests. This tool can be useful when check-
ing glow plug and starter circuits.
Skin-Over Grease
Special non--conductive grease which forms a light pro-
tective skin to help waterproof electrical switches and
Toro Part Number: 505--165
Figure 2