Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
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Electrical System (Rev. C)
Cutting Unit Down Sensor(s)
The cutting unit down switch is a normally open (NO)
reed switch located on the left front lift arm that closes
when the lift arm is in the lowered position. As the lift arm
is lowered, a bracket on the lift arm comes close to the
switch, c ausing the reed switch to close and complete
the circuit.
This sensor can be tested using the “Input Checks” fea-
ture of the ACE Diagnostic tool.
The sensor can also be tested manually.
1. Disconnect the switch wire connector and installcon-
tinuity tester or ohm meter between the two switch
2. With the lift arm in the lowered position the tester
should show continuity. With the lift arm in the raised
position, the tester s hould show no continuity.
Note: When theEnable/Disable switch is inENABLE,
the controller uses inputs from this switch to turn the
cutting units on and off. When raising the cutting units
with the Enable/Disable switch in ENABLE, the cutting
units lift part way to a “turn around” position.
Note: The Reelmaster 6700-D also has sensors on
each rear liftarm (onefor cutting unit #6 and onefor #7).
1. Cutting unit down switch
(front switch for units serial no 220000001 & up shown)
Figure 49
1. Move the lift arm toward the switch as far as it will
2. Move switch to lowest position on front lift arm. Note:
for switch on RM 6700--D rear lift arm, move switch to
highest position.
3. Adjust gap between switch and lift arm flag to .0625”
(1.6 mm).
Cutting Unit #6 and #7 Reel On/Off Solenoids
These solenoids can be tested using the “Output
Checks” feature of the ACE Diagnostic tool.
The solenoids can also be tested manually.
1. Disconnect the wire connector.
2. Connect a 12 volt battery so the positive (+) battery
terminal is connectedto coloredsolenoid lead. Connect
the negative (-) battery terminal to black lead. The valve
tween leads.
3. If valve spool does not operate properly check for
binding or damage to valve.
4. If valve moves smoothly, but does not engage when
12 VDC is applied to solenoid leads, replace solenoid
5. If valve still does not operate after replacing solenoid
coil, replace the valve (see Chapter 4 - Hydraulic Sys-
tem in this manual).
Solenoid coil resistance:
3.5 Ohms (+
10%) at 77_F(25_C)
1. #6 reel solenoid (S10)
2. #7 reel solenoid (S11)
3. Rear valve block
Figure 50
(Located on frame rails)