Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DHydraulic System Page 4 - 34
Cutting Units Will Not Raise (Continued)
Cause Correction
Engine high idle RPM too low. See Chapter 3 - Kubota Diesel Engine.
See Kubota Workshop Manual.
Relief valve R3 by-passing oil. TEST NO. 4. Replace faulty valve.
Lift arm pivots b indings. Lubricate bushings. Inspect for damage. Repair or
replace damaged parts.
Electrical problem. See Chapter 5 - Electrical System.
Gear pump section P3 inefficient. TEST NO. 4. Repair or replace pump.
Lift cylinder(s) have internal leakage. Check lift cylinder(s) and repair or replace if faulty.
Steering valve has internal leakage. Test steering valve as described in Chapter 6 -
Wheels, Brakes and Steering.
Cutting Units Raise, But Will Not Stay Up
NOTE: Lift cylinders and check valves cannot provide
an absolutely perfect seal. The lift arms will eventually
lower if left in the raised positionduring storage. Itis rec-
ommended that the machine be stored with the cutting
units in the lowered position. This also prevents acci-
dental lowering of the cutting units if the lift lever (joys-
tick) is bumped while the key switch is on.
Solenoid valve(s) SV3, SV4, or SV5 have internal
Solenoid valve(s) SV6 or SV7 have internal leakage.
(Reelmaster 6700-D #6 & #7 cutting units only)
Do cartridge valve service procedure for valve in
affected circuit.
Interchange suspect valve with any of the remaining
valves (SV3 thru SV7) and check operation.
Replace faulty valve.
Lift cylinder(s) have internal leakage. Check lift cylinder(s) and repair or replace if faulty.
Cutting Units Lower Too Fast or Too Slow
Cause Correction
Flow control valve(s) not adjusted properly. Adjust flow control valve(s) to desired lowering speed.