Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DHydraulic System Page 4 - 90
Steering Valve Service
Figure 59
Note: Cleanliness is extremely important when
repairing steering control units. Work in a clean area.
Before disconnecting the hydraulic lines, clean the port
area of the steering control unit. Before disassembly,
draintheoil,thenplugtheportsandthoroughly cleanthe
exterior. During repairs, always protect machined sur-
1. Remove the seven capscrews and disassemble the
steering control unit as shown (Fig. 59).
2. Remove the plug and check ball.
3. Slide the spool and sleeve from the housing
(Fig. 60).
4. Remove the thrust bearing and bearing races.
5. Remove the quad seal.
6. Use a small blade screwdriver to carefully pry the
dustseal fromthe housing. Becareful tonotdamage the
dust seal seat.
7. Remove the pin that holds the spool and sleeve
together (Fig. 61).
8. Carefully slide the spool out of the sleeve. The
springs and retaining ring will stay with the spool as it is
The centering springs are under tension. Re-
move the retaining ring carefully.
9. Remove the retaining ring and springs.