Axles. Planetaries
and Brakes
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Page 6 - 3 Axles, Planetaries and Brakes (Rev. C)
Changing Planetary Gear Drive Lubricant
Planetary gear drive lubricant should be changed every
800 hours of operation. There are 2 separate oil reser-
voirs( one for each front wheel) that require drainingand
refilling with SAE 85W-140 gear lube.
1. With machine on levelsurface, position wheel so the
check/drain plug is at lowest position (Fig. 1).
2. Remove both plugs from the bottom of the brake
housing and allow the oil to drain (Fig. 2).
3. Whenallofthe oilhasdrained, installthebottom plug
in the brake housing.
4. Position the wheel so that the plug hole is at the ten
or two o’clock position on the planetary.
5. Slowly add approximately 16 oz.(0.5 l)of high quali-
ty SAE 85W-140 gear lube to the p lanetary fill hole (at
the ten or two o’clock position) until the level is up to the
bottom of the brake housingcheck hole. Install the plug.
6. Repeat the procedure on the opposite planetary/
brake assembly.
1. Planetary Drive Housing drain plug
(shown at 9 o’clock position)
Figure 1
1. Drain Plug Location 2. Check Plug Location
Figure 2