Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 43
2. Determine which reel motor is malfunctioning.
Note: The r eel motorsare connectedin series. To iso-
late a faulty motor, you may have to test all three motors
in the circuit by starting with the upstream motor first.
3. Lower cutting units, engage parking brake and stop
the engine.
4. Install a tee fitting between the motor inlet fitting and
hose.Installa 5000PSIpressure gaugeonthe teefitting
(Fig. 19).
5. Set reel speed control to the full speed position.Make
sure Mow/Backlap valve is in the “Mow” position.
6. Withcuttingunits inloweredpositionand engineOFF,
insert a block of wood between cutting unit reel blades
and front cross tube of cutting unit to prevent reel from
turning (Fig. 19).
7. One person should sit on the seat and operate the
machinewhile another personreadsthetester.Start the
engine and move “Enable/Disable” switch to ENABLE.
Move “Lower-Mow/Raise” lever forward to engage the
cutting units.
GAUGE READING: 1500 +/- 100 PSI.
8. Disengage the cutting units and stop the engine. If
pressure is less than 1400 PSI, cross-over relief valve
on motor ismalfunctioning orthere isinternal leakagein
the reel motor and the motor efficiency should be