Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
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Electrical System (Rev. C)
Glow Plug System Test
This is a fast, simple test that can help you determine a
Glow Plug system’s integrity and operation. The test
should be run anytime hard starting (cold) is encoun-
tered on a diesel engine equipped with a Glow system.
Remember-there are2typesof GlowPlugsystemsthat
Toro uses:
1. Systems with resistors (Glow Plug Indicators) in se-
ries (Reelmaster 450/4500-D, Groundsmaster 325-D,
2. Systems without resistors (Reelmaster 6500-D/
6700-D, Reelmaster 3500-D, Groundsmaster 455-D,
Reelmaster 5100/5300-D, etc.).
Tool(s) required: Digital Multimeter and/or inductive
Ammeter (AC/DC Current Tr ansducer).
Test instructions: Properly connect inductive Ammeter
to the multimeter (refer to manufacturer’s instructions).
Set multimeter on Volts scale. With the key off (or Glow
Switch in off position), place the inductive Ammeter
around the main glow plug power supply w ire(s) and
readmeterprior toactivatingGlow system.AdjustMeter
to read zero (if applicable). Cycle the Glow Plug system
at least two times (per instructions in Operator’s Manu-
al) and record the final results.
Typical specifications for systems without resistors:
# of Glow Plugs
Amps Draw (10%)
2 20 Amps
3 30 Amps
4 40 Amps
Individual Glow Plug resistance (all models) -
.3-.4 Ohms (cold)
Starting System Test
This is an excellent test to use when a “slow crank/no
start” problem is encountered. It will tell you if the prob-
lem is due to an electrical open, short or high resistance
in the starter circuit.
Note: The Battery condition and state of charge must
checked before testing the starter system.
Tool(s) required: Digital Multimeter and/or Inductive
Ammeter (AC/DC Current Tr ansducer).
Test instructions: Properly connect inductive Ammeter
to the multimeter (refer to manufacturers instructions).
Set multimeter on Volts scale. With the key off place the
inductive Ammeter around the main negative (-) Battery
Cable and read meter prior to activating the Starter sys-
tem. Adjust Meter to read zero (if applicable). Crank the
ical Starter System Draw for the Reelmaster 6500-D
and 6700-D is 225 Amps at 65_F.
If current draw is significantly higher than listed - check
for shorted condition. If current draw is significantly low-
er than listed - check for high resistance.