Cutting Units
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Page 7 - 11 Cutting Units
Leveling Front Roller
IMPORTANT: Toro strongly recommends the use of
a leveling plate when setting--up or adjusting any
reel type cutting unit. The leveling plate will help to
ensure accurate and consistent adjustments. Con-
tact your local Toro Distributor for ordering a level-
ing plate.
1. Position cutting unit on a flat surface.
Note: The bar thickness does not affect the adjust-
ment. The recommended bars keep the cutting unit
more balanced during the adjustment. Make sure the
barcoversthefulllengthofthereel bladesandtheouter-
most contact points between the reel and bar are equal
distances from the center of the reel.
2. Position a straight, parallel sided bar under the reel
blades and against the front edge of the bedknife
(Fig. 16). For 1” (25 mm) height-of-cut or below, a 3/4”
(19 mm) bar is recommended. For heights--of --cut
above 1” (25 mm), a 1--1/4” (32 mm) bar is recommen-
ded. Make sure bar covers the full length of the reel
3. Rock cutting unit forward (on reel blades and steel
bar) until front roller contacts flat surface. Reel blades
and bedknife mustmaintain contactwith bar. Rearroller
should not contact surface.
4. Use a piece of newspaper or visually check to s ee if
any gap exists betweenfront rollerends andflat surface
(Fig. 17). If needed, adjust front height-of-cut rods
until both endsof roller are in contact with level sur-
Note: If leveling the front roller causes the cutting unit
attitudetobedifferentfromsidetoside bymore thanone
degree, you may need to regrind the reel and/or bed-
knife to eliminate uneven wear.
Figure 16
1. Flat Surface
(1” x 20” x 30”)
2. Bar Stock
Figure 17