Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 6 - 6Axles, Planetaries and Brakes (Rev. C)
Rear Wheel Toe-in Adjustment
After every 800 operating hours or annually, check rear
wheel toe-in.
To check toe-in, rotate the steering wheel so the rear
wheels point straight ahead. Measure the center-to-
center distance, ataxle height,in frontand rear of steer-
ing tires. Front measurement should be 1/4” (6.4 mm)
less than the rear measurement. If toe-in is not within
specifications, an adjustment is required.
2WD Traction Units
1. Loosen clamps at both ends of tie rod (Fig. 7).
2. Rotatetie rod to move frontof tires inward oroutward
and measure toe-in.
3. Repeat step 2 if necessary.
4. Tighten tie rod clamps when adjustment is correct.
4WD Traction Units
1. Removethe cotterpin andslotted hex nutfromeither
tie rod ball joint. Use a ball joint fork and remove the tie
rod ball joint from the axle case support (Fig. 8).
2. Loosen clamps on both ends of tie rod.
3. Rotate the detached ball joint inward or outward one
(1) complete revolution. Tighten the clamp at the loose
end of the tie rod.
4. Rotatethe entire tierod assembly the same direction
the clamp at the connected end of the tie rod.
5. Install the ball joint in the axlecase support and tight-
en the slotted hex nut finger tight and measure toe-in.
6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 if necessary.
7. Tighten ball joint hex nut and install a new cotter pin.
Figure 7
1. Tie Rod Clamps
1. Tie rod
Figure 8