Cutting Units
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Page 7 - 9 Cutting Units
C. Recheck reel to bedknife contact on both ends of
the bedknife. If necessary, repeat step B.
Note: Reel to bedknife contact may become too tight
or too loose after previous adjustment; therefore, turn
bedknife adjustment knob, accordingly,for light contact.
D. Retighten pivot hub lock nuts.
Note: Recheck if paper cuts on both ends, to insure
the bedknife did not move when re--tightening the pivot
hub lock nuts.
Adjusting and Leveling Rollers
Cuttingunit“attitude” hasasignificant impactontheper-
formance of the cutting unit. Attitude refers to the angle
of the bedknife relative to the ground (Fig.12).
Adjustable front and rear roller brackets allow for vari-
able adjustment ofcutting unit attitude within the height-
of-cut range. All cutting units on a given machine must
be set to the same attitude, otherwise after-cut appear-
ance could be negatively affected.
The best cutting unit attitude is dependent on your turf
conditions and desired results. Experience with the cut-
ting unit on your turf will determine the best setting to
use.Cutting unit attitude canb e adjusted throughoutthe
cutting season to allow for various turf conditions.
In general, less aggressive attitudes (example: 2 de-
grees) are more appropriate for warm season grasses
(Bermuda, Zoysia) while cool season grasses (Blue-
grass, Rye) may require more aggressive attitudes (ex-
ample: 6 degrees). More aggressive attitudes cut more
grass offby allowingthe spinningreel topull moregrass
up into the bedknife. An angle that is too flat (attitude
less than 1 degree) may allow the bedbar or other parts
of the cutting unit to drag in the turf causing tufting.
Therefore,minimumrecommended attitudeis 1degree.
For setting consistent cutting unit attitude, Toro strongly
98-1852 (Fig.13). The first screwis set for height-of-cut,
and the second screw is set for cutting unit attitude. The
second screw setting is an easy method of transferring
cutting unit attitude to all cutting units on a machine.
Note: The second screw setting will change through-
out the life of the bedknife and reel due to wear, even if
the height-of-cut is not changed.
Figure 12
(51 mm)
Figure 13
First Screw
Second Screw