Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 83
Disassembly (Fig. 53)
1. Removeoilfromliftcylinderintoadrainpanbyslowly
pumping the cylinder shaft. Plug both ports and clean
the outside of the cylinder.
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
cylinder’s barrel into a vise; clamp on the clevis
only. Do not close vise enough to distort the barrel.
2. Mount lift cylinder into a vice. Remove collar with a
spanner wrench.
3. Extract shaft, head, and piston by carefully twisting
and pulling on the shaft.
IMPORTANT: Do not clamp vise jaws against the
shaft surface. Protect shaft surface before mount-
ing in a vice.
4. Mountshaftsecurelyina visebyclamping onthecle-
vis of the shaft. Remove lock nut and piston from the
shaft. Slide head off the shaft.
5. Remove Uni-ring and O-ring from the piston. Re-
move O-ring, back-up ring, rod seal, and dust seal from
the head.
Assembly (Fig. 53)
1. Make sure all parts are clean before Assembly.
2. Coat new O-rings, Uni-rings, rod seal, back-up ring,
and dust seal with with clean hydraulic oil.
A. Install Uni-ring and O-ring to the piston.
B. Install dust seal, O-ring, back-up ring, and dust
seal to the head.
IMPORTANT: Do not clamp vise jaws against the
shaft surface. Protect shaft surface before mount-
ing in a vice.
3. Mountshaftsecurelyina visebyclamping onthecle-
vis of the shaft.
A. Coat shaft with clean hydraulic oil.
B. Slide head onto the shaft. Install rod seal onto
shaft and into head.