Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500--D/6700--DDPA Groomer Page 7.3 -- 8
2. Install groomer plate assembly to groomer non--
drive side of cutting unit:
A. Carefully position non--drive side groomer plate
onto groomer shaft and slide to cutting unit.
B. Position pivot hub to cutting unit.
C. Secure groomer components to cutting unit side
plate with two (2) socket head screws (item 7).
D. Install hydraulic reel motorto cutting unit (seeH y-
draulic Reel Motor Installation in the Service and Re-
pairs section of Chapter 7.2 -- DPA Cutting Units).
3. Installgroomer plate assemblyto groomer drive side
of cutting unit:
A. Position groomer shim to cutting unit side plate.
Carefully position drive side groomer plate onto
groomer shaft and slide to cutting unit.
B. Positionpivot huband idlerplate assembly tocut-
ting unit side plate and secure with two (2) socket
head screws (item 7).
C. Connect extension spring (item 14) to stud on
groomer plate. Make sure that spring is in the stud
groove and that spring hook is positionedtoward the
drive pulley.
D. Secure quick--up ball joint rod to drive side
groomer plate with shoulder bolt (Fig. 6). Torque
shoulder bolt from 17 to 21 ft--lb (23 to 28 N--m).
E. Slide pulley spacer (item 2) and washer (item 3)
onto groomer shaft.
F. Apply antiseize lubricant to square key (item 4)
that locates drive pulley to pivot hub shaft. Position
key into shaft slot.
NOTE: To prevent cutting reel from turning when
installing drive pulley, block cutting reel with piece of
G. Apply Loctite #242 to threads of flange head
screw that secures drive pulley to pivot hub shaft.
Slide drive pulley onto shaft and secure with flange
head screw. Torque screw from 27 to 32 ft--lb (37 t o
43 N--m).
NOTE: To prevent groomer shaft from turning when
installing driven pulley, use w rench ongroomer shaft
H. Apply antiseize lubricant to splines of groomer
shaft and slide driven pulley onto groomer shaft. Se-
cure with flange nut. Torque flange nut from 17 to 21
ft--lb (23 to 28 N--m).
I. Check pulley alignment by laying a straight edge
along the outer face of the drive pulley (Fig. 7). D rive
and driven pulleys should be in line within 0.030”
(0.76 mm). If necessary, align pulleys by removing
driven pulley from groomer shaft and installing or re-
moving washer(s) (item 3) between driven pulley
and pulley spacer.
J. After pulleys are aligned, install groomer drive
belt and groomer belt cover (see Groomer Belt Re-
placement in this section).
4. Check that excluder seals just touch groomer plate
assembly. Reposition excluder seals on groomer shaft
if necessary.
5. Checkgroomerreelheightandmowerheight--of--cut
settings. Adjust as needed.
6. Lubricate groomer bearings.
NOTE: After greasing groomer bearings, operate
groomer for 30 seconds, stop machine and wipeexcess
grease from groomer shaft and seals.
1. Drive pulley
2. Driven pulley
3. Straight edge
Figure 7