Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DHydraulic System Page 4 - 56
Camplate Inspection:
¯ Thefinishon thepistonshoe surfacesof thecamplate
should show no signs of scoring.
¯ Inspect camplate bushing (23) surface for wear and
surface for coating transfer from bushing.
12. To remove servo piston assembly (7) from housing,
startwith thefour each capscrews and washers (5& 44)
retaining each cover plate (13 & 9).
13. In removing the cover plate (13) from the servo pis-
ton bolt, remove nut (1), washer (43), and seal washer
(4). Hold the servo piston bolt with hex key andunscrew
cover plate (13).
14. Remove servo piston assembly (7) and both seal
sub-assemblies (23) from housing.
Note: Disassembly of servopiston assembly is notre-
15. Remove retaining ring (2) from the front of housing.
Press the shaft (25), shaft seal (31), and washer (29)
from housing. Remove both retaining rings (3), both
thrust races (15), and thrust bearing (16) from shaft.
Housing Inspection:
¯ Check the bearing (51) (press fit) in housing. If
needles remain in cage, move freely, and bearing is
set to the dimension shown, removal not required
(Fig. 31).
Figure 31
16. To remove cradle assembly (39), remove the two
cap screws (18). Move the cradle assembly back-and-
forth to release dowels (46) and remove cradle assem-
17. Remove screw (52) to remove cradle bushing from
Bushing Inspection:
¯ Inspect cradle bushing (23) for contamination
embedmentwithin coatingof bushingsurface coming
in contact with camplate.
18. Remove all plugs (53) from housing.
19. Discard seals, gaskets,and O-ringsfrom allassem-
blies. Replace with new components upon reassembly.
Assembly (Fig. 28)
1. All parts should be cleaned and critical moving parts
lubricated before reassembly.
2. If necessary, press new bearing in housing with the
numbered end of bearing outward (Fig. 31).
3. Install new seal sub-assemblies (23) into the servo
piston cavity of housing.
4. Screw the cover plate (13) onto the servo piston as-
sembly (7). Install new cover plate gasket (10). Install
servo piston assembly and cover plate onto right side of
housing ( Fig. 32). Retain cover plate with four washers
and cap screws (5 & 44). Tighten cap screws to 40 to 48
in-lbs. (4.5 to 5.4 Nm).
5. To obtain neutral, centering the servo piston assem-
bly is required.Measure infrom theleft sideand setser-
vo piston 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) from surface of housing
servo bore (Fig. 32).
Note: Re-adjustment may be required for neutral at
unit start-up.
Figure 32
6. Install new seal washer (4), washer (43), and nut (1)
to servo piston bolt. Holding servo piston bolt with hex
key wrench. Tighten nut to 150 to 160 in-lbs. (17 to
18 Nm).