Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
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Electrical System (Rev. C)
Run (ETR) Solenoid (Solenoid With 2 Wire Connector)
The run (ETR) solenoid must be energized for the en-
gine to run. It is mounted on the engine block near the
injection pump.
In Place Testing
Note: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter, short the test leads together. The me-
ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
fromfrom the measuredvalue of thecomponent you are
1. Disconnect wire harness connector from solenoid.
2. Using a digital multimeter, touch one test lead to the
pull coil terminal and the other test lead to the fuel stop
solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 29). The resistance of the
pull coil should be less than 1 ohm (but not zero).
3. Using a digital multimeter, touch one test lead to the
hold coil terminal and the other test lead to the fuel stop
solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 29). The resistance of the
hold coil should be approximately 15 ohms.
4. Connect solenoid to the wiring harness.
Live testing
1. Disconnect wire harness connector from solenoid.
Note: The s olenoid may be removed from the engine
or tested in place.
2. If the solenoid is removed from the engine, make
sure that the solenoid plunger moves freely and is free
of dirt, debris and corrosion.
Note: When testing run solenoid, use test leads with
at least 14 gauge wire.
3. Connect a positive (+) test lead from a 12 VDC
source to the pull coil and hold coil terminals.
4. Touch a negative (--) test lead from the 12 VDC
sourcetothe fuelstop solenoidframe (ground)(Fig.29).
The solenoid should engage, making an audible “click,”
and the plunger should retract.
5. Remove positive (+) voltage from the pull c oil termi-
nal. The solenoid should stay engaged.
6. Remove positive (+) voltage from thehold coil termi-
nal. The solenoid should release.
7. Reconnect the wires to the solenoid.
1. Fuel stop solenoid
2. Pull coil terminal
3. Hold coil terminal
Figure 29