Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 7 - 10Cutting Units
CheckingorAdjusting Attitude(Used CuttingUnits)
As a starting point for adjusting cutting unit attitude, the
cutting unitmay besetup using the dimensions fromthe
New C utting Unit Set Up Guide found in the Cutting Unit
Operator’s Manual. However, because of wear to the
bedknifeand reel,the following proceduremust be used
to ensure the correct attitude setting for reels that have
been used for more than just a fews hours.
1. Rotate cutting unit backward to gain access to reel
and bedknife.
2. Place an angle indicator, Toro Part No. 99 --3503, on
the bedknife and record the bedknife angle (Fig. 14).
3. Using a two-screw gauge bar, Toro Part No.
98-1852, set first screw to desired height-of-cut.
4. Place the gauge bar across front and rear rollers.
The first screw head needs to fit snugly over edge of the
bedknife,while the gauge bar contacts the front roller
(Fig. 15).
Note: The rear roller does not have to contact the
gauge bar.
5. Adjust second screw to contact bedknife. Move rear
roller up, if needed.
6. Placeanangleindicator onthe gaugebar andrecord
the gauge bar angle (Fig. 15).
7. Adjust the front roller to your desired cutting unit atti-
Bedknife Angle (step 2.)
-- Gauge Bar Angle (step 6.)
= Cutting Unit Attitude (degrees)
Note: Moving the front roller down will decrease your
cutting unit attitude, while moving the front roller up will
increase cutting unit attitude (Fig. 15).
Figure 14
Figure 15
1. First Screw
2. Second Screw
3. Gauge Bar Angle
4. Front Roller