Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 7 - 22Cutting Units
Reel Removal
1. Remove weight from cutting unit.
2. Remove bedbar assembly.
3. Remove front roller assembly.
4. Loosen set screw and remove bearing adjustment
nut from L.H. bearing housing.
5. Use a hammer and punch to drive out roll pins from
L.H. bearing housing. Remove L.H. bearing housing. It
is not necessary to remove the R.H. bearing housing.
6. Carefully slide the cutting reel with bearing and seal
from the R.H. bearing housing and remove from cutting
unit frame.
1. Replace reel if diameter hasdecreased to the service
limit (see Reel Grinding Specifications).
2. Replace reel if blades are bent or cracked.
3. Inspect reel shaft splined inserts and replace if worn
or damaged.
The splined inserts are installed with thread locking
compound (Loctite 242 or equivalent). One side is
L.H. threads and the other R.H. threads (the side of
the reel with R.H. threads has an identification
groove on outer surface of flange). To remove or
install threaded spline inserts, use tool TOR4074.
Before installing inserts into reel shaft, clean all
threads and apply Loctite 242 or equivalent to
threads. Install and tighten insert to a torque of 75 -
85 ft-lb (10.4 - 11.8 KgM).
4. Inspect reel bearingsand seals.Toreplace seals and
A. Use a bearing puller tool to remove the bearings
ings and seals are removed from reel shaft, discard
and replace removed components.
IMPORTANT: The seals should be installed so
the metal side of the seal is toward the bearing
B. Install new seals on the reel shaft pressing on the
steel surface of the seal. Make sure seals are
installed square to shaft and are pressed fully to reel
shaft shoulder.
C. Pack bearings withNo. 2 general purposegrease
before installing. Install bearings on reel shaft by
pressing equally on inner and outer bearing race.
Bearings should bottom on reel shaft s houlder.
D. Apply a filmof grease to outsidediameter of seals
and bearings.
Reel Installation
Contact with the reel, bedknife or other cutting
unit parts can result in personal injury. Use
heavy gloves when installing the cutting reel.
1. Set cutting unit frame in a vertical position so R.H.
bearing housing is down. Install reel into R.H. bearing
2. Install L.H. bearing housing onto bearing and seal on
ing to side plate. Secure bearing housing with screws
and lock nuts.
3. Place cutting unit in a horizontal position.
4. Hit end of reel shaft with a brass hammer to make
sure that R.H. reel bearingis seated onshoulder ofR.H.
bearing housing.
5. Apply a film of grease to outside diameter of bearing
adjustment nut. Install adjustment nut into L.H. bearing
housing and use special spanner wrench TOR4064 to
tighten the adjustment nut approximately 1/4 turn past
first contact with the bearing.
Note: Reel bearings do not require pre--load. Over
tightening reel bearing adjustment nut will damage reel
6. Loosen the bearing adjustment nut and then tighten
adjustment nut to a torque of 15 - 17 in--lb (17 - 19
7. Applythread locking compound(Loctite 242 orequiv-
alent) to threads of set screw. Tighten set screw to
secure bearing adjustment nut.
A. For socket head set screw (Fig. 34), tighten set
screw one-half turn beyond initial contact minimum.
B. For square head set screw (Fig. 35), tighten set
screw to a torque of 25 - 35 in-lb (29 - 40 KgCm).
8. Install front roller assembly.
9. Install bedbar assembly.
10. Apply anti-seize lubricant to internal splines of
splined couplers.
11. Install weight assembly to cutting unit.