Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 7 - 12Cutting Units
Final Height of Cut Adjustment
1. Rotate the cutting unit vertical and place the gauge
bar across front and rear rollers (Fig. 18).
2. Adjust rear roller until it contacts the gauge bar on
both sides.
Note: Make sure gauge bar is in contact with the front
roller at all times to keep desired height-of-cut.
3. Slide gauge bar toward the end of the cutting unit to
remove. Gauge bar cannow beutilized toset remaining
cutting units on machine.
Figure 18
1. First Screw
2. Second Screw
3. Rear Roller
Front Grass Shield Adjustment
Adjust grass shield for desired grass clippings disper-
1. Position cutting unit on a flat level surface.
2. Loosen flange head capscrew (Fig. 19) securing
shieldto leftside plate,move shieldto desiredangle and
tighten screw.
Figure 19
1. Grass Shield
2. Capscrew