Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 3 - 22Kubota Diesel Engine
C. High temperature shutdown switch (Fig. 30).
Glow plug bus (Fig. 31).
13.Make sure all cable ties securing the wiring harness,
fuel lines, or hydraulic hoses to theengine are removed.
14.Connect hoist or lift to the front and rear engine lift
the engine brackets to the engine mounts.
One person should operate lift or hoist while the
other person guides the engine out of the ma-
IMPORTANT: Make sure not to damage the engine,
fuel and hydraulic lines, electrical harness, or other
parts while removing the engine.
16.Slowly lift engine up and out the rear of the machine.
Engine Installation (Fig. 25)
1. Connect hoist or lift to the front and rear engine lift
One person should operate lift or hoist while the
otherperson guidesthe engineinto themachine.
IMPORTANT: Make sure not to damage the engine,
fuel and hydraulic lines, electrical harness, or other
parts while installing the engine.
2. Position engine slowly from the rear of the machine.
3. Secure the engine brackets to the engine mounts.
4. Disconnect hoist or lift from engine.
5. Connect wires and/or electrical connections to the
following electrical components:
A. Glow plug bus (Fig. 31). High temperature shut-
down switch (Fig. 30).
B. Battery, frame, and wire harness ground to the
engine block and the ETR solenoid (Fig. 29).
C. The temperature sender (Fig. 28). The oil low
pressure switch, starter, and alternator (Fig 27).
Figure 29
(shown with hydraulic filter & bracket removed)
1. Battery & frame ground
2. ETR solenoid
3. Wire harness ground
Figure 30
1. High temperature shutdown switch
Figure 31
1. Glow plug wire
2. Rear injection nozzle
3. Fuel hose
6. Install hydraulic oil filterand bracketand connecthy-
draulic lines.
7. Connect throttle cable to the cable clamp and swivel
on the speed control lever (Fig. 26).
8. Connecthydrauliclinesat hydraulicpump assembly.
9. Connect all fuel hoses.