Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 55
Disassembly (Fig. 28)
1. Position the pump into a protectedjaw vise, clamping
onto the outer portion of the flange, with the cap screws
up. Mark the relationship of the working ports (for reas-
sembly identification) to the servo control assembly with
a scribe. Remove the four screws (19 & 20).
2. Lift the charge pump adapter assembly (32) straight
up off backplate (24) and shaft (25). Remove the outer
gerotor (36).
3. Remove O-ring (26) from charge pump adapter.
4. Remove the inner gerotor and coupler assembly (35
& 40) from the drive shaft.
5. Remove the outer gerotor and charge pump relief
valve from the charge pump adapter.
Charge Pump Inspection:
¯ Check the coupler (40) and gerotors (35 & 36) for
wear, cracks, or damage.
¯ Inspect the charge pump relief valve seat inside the
charge pump adapter. The seat should be s mooth
and free of burrs and other damage.
¯ Inspect the charge pump relief valve spring (58).
¯ Check the bearing (56) (press fit) in charge pump
adapter. If needles remain in cage, move freely, and
bearingissettothedimension shown,removalnotre-
quired (Fig. 29).
¯ Check the gerotor pocket inside the charge pump
adapter.The gerotor pocket should not be excessive-
ly scored.
Figure 29
6. Lift backplate straight up off shaft and housing (47).
Remove valve plate (22)from backplate or fromrotating
kit assembly (6) still in housing.
7. From backplate, remove dump valve (42), and relief
valve assemblies (17).
Note: Mark the relief valve in relationship to the cavity
it was removed, for reassembly purposes.
Backplate Inspection:
¯ Check the bearing (48) (press fit) in backplate. If
needles remain in cage, move freely, and bearing is
set to the dimension shown, removal not required
(Fig. 30).
¯ Check roll pin (49) in backplate. If tight and set to the
dimension shown, removal not required (Fig. 30).
Figure 30
8. Remove housing gasket (11) from housing and/or
9. Withpump stillin vise,remove thesix capscrews (21)
retaining the servo control assembly (34). Remove the
control assembly and control housing gasket (50) from
the housing. Remove orifice plates (37 & 38), noting
location for reassembly. Remove nut and lock washer
(27 & 28) and remove control arm (33). Note position of
control arm for reassembly.
10. To remove rotating kit assembly (6) from housing,
firstremove pump from visew hile holding the rotating kit
assembly in position. Lower pump so that the shaft end
(flangeend) isup. Setthe rear of housing onto table with
housing flat and rotating kit assembly at rest on table.
(Hole in table, for protruding shaft, is required.) Lift and
remove the housing and shaft from rotating kit assem-
bly, and camplate.
11. Remove camplate (14) from rotating kit assembly.
Remove piston follower (8) from camplate.