
Device Basics
1. Tap a text field where you want to enter text.
2. Enter text.
To enter numbers or symbols, tap .
To enter letters again, tap .
To configure Android keyboard settings, tap >
Android keyboard settings
Vibrate on keypress
allows you to activate a vibration sensation as you enter text using the
Sound on keypress
allows you to activate a sound sensation as you enter text using the keypad.
Popup on keypress
displays the larger image of each key you tap.
Touch to correct words
underlines a word in a text field if you tap the word and the keyboard has
suggestions for other words you may have intended.
Alt Key
Tap to enter additional symbols. The keyboard will
change to alternate characters. Touch and hold to lock
the alternate characters keyboard layout.
Letters Key
Tap to change input to letters entry.
Settings Key
Tap to change the input method or set various Android
keyboard settings.
Space Key
Tap to enter space.
Emoticon Key
Tap to enter various emoticons.
Delete Key
Tap to delete characters to the left of the cursor.
Numbers Entry Keyboard