Samsung 010505D5 Cell Phone User Manual

Making and Answering Calls 77
Making and
Answering Calls
M 6
Sprint PCS
Wireless Web
Making and
Answering Calls
3. Tap the drop down list located in the upper right corner.
Select “Connection”.
The connection preference allows you to set the desired
connection method for accessing the web. You can add, edit, or
delete a configuration from the connection preferences. The
following fields are available if “Edit” is selected:
Name - The name that describes the connection.
Connection Method - How you are going to connect.
The choices are:
To Modem
Data on Air to Modem
Ircomm to PC
Ircomm to modem
Dialing - Select the type of dialing you can perform. The
choices are:
Volume - Sets the volume of the connection to OFF, Low,
Medium, or High.
There is also a details button that displays specific options for
the device being used. The following information may be seen
on the details screen:
Speed - The speed of the modem or device connected. If
the device is a modem, the speed range is
1200 - 57,600bps.
Flow Ctl - Flow Control. The available options are
Automatic, ON, or OFF.
Init String - Initialization string. These are a set of
commands that can be entered to allow the modem or
device to perform a specific function when initialized. See
the modem user guide for more information.