
About TCP/IP Configuration and Reference (SC41-5420)
This book contains information about configuring and using Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and writing programs to the TCP/IP application
interface. Some topics have moved to the Information Center. See “TCP/IP Topics
in the Information Center”.
TCP/IP Packaging:
When you purchase OS/400, the ordering system automatically places an order for
the TCP/IP Utilities Licensed Program (LP). The TCP/IP Utilities LP is shipped with
OS/400 at
no additional
charge. However, you must install the TCP/IP Utilities LP
separately by using normal installation support.
TCP/IP Topics in the Information Center
These related topics are described in the
AS/400e Information Center
instead of in
this book:
Under the TCP/IP heading:
v Getting started with TCP/IP
v Connecting two systems with Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
v Logging on to a remote computer (Telnet)
v Managing host names with Domain Name System (DNS)
v Sending and receiving e-mail
v Transferring files with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Under the Internet and Secure Networks heading:
v Client SOCKets
v IP packet security
v Virtual Private Network (VPN)
You can access the Information Center from the AS/400e Information Center
CD-ROM (English version:
) or from one of these Web sites:
To find out more about the Information Center, see “Prerequisite and related
information” on page xvii.
Who should read this book
This book is intended for the following audience:
v Users who configure TCP/IP and its associated applications
v Users who use TCP/IP functions or commands
v Programmers who write to the sockets applications programming interface, or
API. For details on the AS/400 sockets API see
System API Reference
SC41-5801-03. For additional information about sockets, including sample
programs, see the
Sockets Programming
, SC41-5422-03 book. For information
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 xv