
the messages in the mailbox and then issues a command (in the form of a QUIT
verb) that tells the server to delete all of the messages that are marked for deletion
and to disconnect from the client.
The POP Server and Client Access-based Mail
The AS/400 POP server can act as a messaging and address book server for
MAPI-based Client Access for Windows 95/NT clients. With this support, all mail is
sent to the POP server on the AS/400 by way of extensions to the standard POP
client/server interface. No SMTP connection on the client is required. This is shown
in Figure 185.
Client Access-based clients can send and receive mail through the POP server with
any of these address types:
v INTERNET (the standard Internet format, sometimes referred to as an SMTP
v OFFICEVISION (the SNADS address itself, not an SMTP address that is
converted to SNADS. This type also includes AS/400 distribution lists.)
v AS400FAX (the dialing sequence as deļ¬ned by the Facsimile Support for OS/400
Figure 185. Overview of POP Server Components (with MAPI Service Providers). Shows
additional function provided with the Client Access for Windows 95/NT product.
Chapter 9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 287