v The STOU subcommand causes a new file (member) to be created on the
remote host if the specified one already exists. The name of the new member is
the specified one with a sequence number that is appended to it. For example, if
MBR were specified as the member name, MBR1 would be created. The name
of the new member is returned to the user. The STOU subcommand is sent to
the server when the SUNIQUE is set on.
Get Several File Members:
The GET subcommand is used to copy one file
member from a remote host into a file at the local host. To do this, read authority is
required for the remote library from which the file is copied. The syntax of the GET
subcommand is as follows:
GET remotefile [localfile] [(Replace]
It is conceptually very similar to the PUT command in reverse.
The MGET subcommand is used to copy multiple file members or multiple files from
a remote host. As with the GET subcommand, read authority at the remote host is
An example of the MGET command is shown in Figure 155 on page 248.
File Transfer Protocol
Previous FTP subcommands and messages:
Store unique is on.
Store unique is off.
Enter an FTP subcommand.
F3=Exit F6=Print F9=Retrieve
F17=Top F18=Bottom F21=CL command line
Figure 153. FTP Setting SUNIQUE On and Off
Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client 247