Note: To format TCP/IP traces, you may want to consider setting the ″Format
Broadcast data″ field to N (N=No) and the ″Format TCP/IP data only″
field to Y (Y=Yes).
Note: The format choices shown in this display are not available for every
3. For FTP, LPR, LPD, and TELNET, you should format two traces: one with a
data representation for ASCII (1=ASCII) and a second one with a data
representation for EBCDIC (2=EBCDIC). For SMTP and SNMP, you need only
format the trace with a data representation for ASCII. For other applications you
should format two traces: one with a data representation for ASCII (1=ASCII)
and a second one with a data representation for EBCDIC (2=EBCDIC). The
Format TCP/IP data
field should be Y. All other fields should be N.
On the second display you may choose to format the trace showing all IP
addresses or a specific IP address, including the IP address associated with a
TCP/IP interface in this AS/400. An IP address must be entered in decimal dot
notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where xxx is a decimal number in the range 0-255
inclusive. If *ALL is specified for both the IP address fields, all TCP/IP frames for
all IP addresses will be formatted. If specific IP addresses are specified for both
the IP address fields, only frames that have source and destination, or
destination and source IP addresses matching those specified will be formatted.
This is useful for formatting all the frames passing between two systems. If a
specific IP address and *ALL are specified in the IP address fields, only frames
that have a source or destination IP address matching the IP address specified
will be formatted.
Press the Enter key to format the trace data for the format choices shown. Wait
for the following message to appear:
Format of trace data complete
Spooled file QTCPPRT containing the trace is created.
4. Press F3 (Exit) until you exit the communications trace and the system service
tools (SST).
5. Press the Enter key to exit SST.
Select IP addresses to format
Configuration object ....: TRNLINE
Type ............: LINE
Type choices, press Enter.
IP address.......... *ALL *ALL, address
IP address.......... *ALL *ALL, address
Port............. *ALL *ALL, 1-65535
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
500 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4