Type option 1 (Add) at the input-capable top list entry to go to the Add TCP/IP
Remote System (ADDTCPRSI) display, as shown in Figure 18.
The network controller used by AS/400 TCP/IP does not allow you to specify X.25
user facilities. However, some of the values usually configured on a controller, using
the ADDTCPRSI command, allow you to configure each X.25 remote system.
These values include reverse charging, packet sizes, and window sizes.
Use the following CL command is used to enter the information as shown in the
display above:
1. Specifying remote system information for an X.25 DDN interface causes that
information to be used instead of the DDN conversion algorithm. The DDN
conversion algorithm is used only for a connection with DDN specified as *YES
when you try to connect to a host that is not defined in the remote system
Work with TCP/IP Remote System Information
System: SYSNAM890
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 4=Remove 5=Display
Internet Network Reverse
Opt Address Address PVC Charges
_ _______________
(No remote system information)
Figure 17. Work with Remote System (X.25) Information
Add TCP/IP Remote System (ADDTCPRSI)
Type choices, press Enter.
Internet address........>''
Network address ........>40030002
PVC logical channel identifier 001-FFF
X.25 reverse charge ...... *NONE *NONE, *REQUEST, *ACCEPT
Additional Parameters
Default packet size:
Transmit packet size..... *LIND *LIND, 64, 128, 256, 512...
Receive packet size ..... *LIND *LIND, *TRANSMIT, 64, 128...
Default window size:
Transmit window size..... *LIND 1-15, *LIND
Receive window size ..... *LIND 1-15, *LIND, *TRANSMIT
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 18. Add Remote System (X.25) Information
Chapter 2. Configuring TCP/IP 37