If you use the STRTCPSVR command to restart the DHCP server when the DHCP
server is not running, the server ignores the restart instruction and simply starts.
1. If you have installed both DHCP and BOOTP servers, only one of the servers
can run. Therefore, an AUTOSTART parameter value of *YES is not allowed for
both BOOTP and DHCP. Because of this, STRTCP never attempts to start them
2. Use the
Change DHCP Attributes
(CHGDHCPA) command to change the
startup attributes of the DHCP server. The changes take effect the next time you
start the DHCP server by either the
Start TCP/IP
(STRTCP) command or the
Start TCP/IP Server
(STRTCPSVR) command. You must have *IOSYSCFG
special authority to use this command.
The AUTOSTART parameter specifies whether to start the DHCP server
automatically when TCP/IP is started by the STRTCP command. When the
DHCP server is started by the STRTCPSVR command, the DHCP server
ignores the AUTOSTART parameter and starts regardless of the value of this
There is an exception. If the STRTCPSVR *ALL command is issued, all TCP/IP
servers that have been configured are started. However, a BOOTP and DHCP
server cannot both run on the same machine at the same time. If you issue the
STRTCPSVR *ALL command, the system first checks to see if both a BOOTP
and DHCP server job are configured. If both are configured, the system checks
the AUTOSTART attribute for each server.
If the AUTOSTART attribute for one of the servers is set to *YES and the other is
set to *NO, the system starts the server with the AUTOSTART attribute set to
*YES. If both the BOOTP and DHCP AUTOSTART attributes are set to *NO, the
DHCP server starts.
3. If you want the BOOTP server to function as the default, specify that change in
Change BOOTP Attributes
(CHGBPA) command, not in the DHCP
Ending the DHCP Server
To end the DHCP server, specify the following
End TCP/IP Server
command with the server attribute set to *DHCP:
Changing DHCP Attributes
Change DHCP Attributes
(CHGDHCPA) command changes the startup
attributes of the DHCP server. The change takes effect the next time you start the
DHCP server from either the
Start TCP/IP
(STRTCP) command or the
Start TCP/IP
(STRTCPSVR) command.
Note: You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to make changes to the DHCP
attributes with the CHGDHCPA command.
416 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4