
The default filter is
. There is no difference between the
filters. The system
treats them both the same.
LPD does not support control file support for banner pages because the AS/400 has
its own separator page function.
If the non-AS/400 LPR requests multiple copies, the system changes the attributes
of one spooled file to show multiple copies.
How Spooled Files are Named on the Destination AS/400
Prior to V3R1M0, if someone used AS/400 LPR with the DESTTYP(*OTHER) and
TRANSFORM(*YES) parameters, the name of the created spooled file became that
of the PRTF file, QPTMPLPD. The original spooled file name was placed into the
user data field of the created file. Likewise, for non-AS/400 LPR clients, the system
names the newly created file QPTMPLPD. The original file name was placed into
the user data field.
Beginning with V3R1M0, spooled files that LPD receives have file names in the
form LPDxxxx. The x represents any valid hex character. These hex characters are
the result of cyclic redundancy checking that is performed on client information to
identify the LPR client for LPRM support. Spooled files that are named in this
manner are unique to each client. The system uses the name as a signature. All
files from a single client have the same signature. A client must generate a
matching signature to use LPRM to delete any LPR spooled file.
Clients can use LPQ (line printer queue) and LPRM (line printer removal)
commands to query and remove LPR spooled files, as AS/400 LPD supports both
functions. However, the AS/400 system that acts as a client cannot issue these
If the LPR client is another AS/400 using DESTTYP(*AS400) and
TRANSFORM(*NO) parameters, the spooled file has exactly the same attributes on
the receiving queue that it had on the sending queue. The spooled file name is not
converted to LPDxxxx form and is left unchanged.
The LPQ command sent to an AS/400 system requires a job list parameter, or,
more specifically, a user profile under which the query is performed. The following is
an example on OS/2:
lpq -pmylib/myoutq -sas400.endicott.ibm.com
Starting an LPD Server Job
You must start the server job for the LPD application in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
Start TCP/IP Server
(STRTCPSVR) command starts the LPD server that is
shipped with the TCP/IP Utilities licensed program. You can also start the LPD
server job with the AUTOSTART parameter of the
Change LPD Attributes
(CHGLPDA) command. However, the STRTCPSVR command overrides or ignores
the AUTOSTART parameter on the CHGLPDA command.
Start TCP/IP
(STRTCP) command starts
of the servers that you specify in
the CHGLPDA command. The STRTCPSVR command starts the number of servers
configured in the CHGLPDA command. After you start the minimum number of LPD
servers, the STRTCPSVR command starts only
additional server at a time.
366 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4