Step 10—3270—Setting the Default Keyboard Mapping
A 3270 display station connected to an AS/400 system using Telnet appears to be a
5251 display station to an AS/400 system. The 3270 display station keyboard has a
5251-equivalent keyboard map associated with it which allows it to complete
5251-equivalent functions on the AS/400 system.
When a Telnet client system user first signs on in 3270 full-screen mode, the
AS/400 system automatically assigns the
keyboard map to the user’s 3277,
3278, or 3279 keyboard (unless a user-defined keyboard map has been set up to
be automatically included in the user’s profile sign-on procedure). This supplies the
mapping needed for the 3270 keyboards to do most of the same functions as their
5250-equivalent keyboards do.
Note: If you are satisfied with the default keyboard mapping supplied when you
sign on, you may skip the remainder of this topic and go to the next topic,
“Break Messages in 3270 Full-Screen Mode” on page 195.
Displaying a Keyboard Map:
Table 16 shows the default PF key assignments to
perform the various 5250 functions. You can use the Display Keyboard Map
(DSPKBDMAP) command to see the current keyboard mapping or use option 6
(Display 3270 keyboard map) on the Configure TCP/IP Telnet menu, while your
terminal is in 3270 emulation mode.
Table 16. Default Keyboard Mapping
5250 Key Function Default 3270 Keys to Select Function
Help PF1
3270 Help PF2
Clear PF3
Print PF4
Display Embedded Attributes PF5
Test Request PF6
System: SYSNAM11
Select one of the following:
1. Change TELNET attributes
6. Display 3270 keyboard map
7. Change 3270 keyboard map
8. Set 3270 keyboard map
Work with associated system values:
10. Autoconfigure virtual devices
11. Limit security officer device access
12. Inactive job time-out
13. Inactive job message queue
14. Limit device sessions
15. Action to take for failed sign-on attempts
16. Maximum sign-on attempts allowed
Selection or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Figure 122. Configure TCP/IP TELNET Menu—TN3270
192 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4