
Cause List A
1. Check to see if subsystem QSYSWRK is running.
a. If you are using IP, Client Access IP or IPX connections, use the Work with
Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command. Type WRKACTJOB
SBS(QSYSWRK) to see the display. POP server job names start with the
prefix “QTPO”:
v QTPOP — Standard POP IP server connection
v QTPOC Client Access POP IP server connection
v QTPOI Client Access POP IPX/SPX server connection
v QTPOABCH Client Access address book connection
b. If you are running Client Access SNA servers, use the WRKJOB
JOB(QTPOSNA) command to verify that there are QTPOSNA jobs in the
ACTIVE state.
2. Try to start the POP server jobs by using the STRTCPSVR *POP command.
. . ┌──────────────┐
. Are the . No │ Check
. POP jobs .────│ Cause List A │
. active? . └──────────────┘
│ Yes
. . ┌──────────────┐
. Client . No │ Check
. able to .────│ Cause List B │
. connect? . └──────────────┘
│ Yes
. . ┌──────────────┐
. Mail is . No │ Check
. delivered .────│ Cause List C │
. to client?. └──────────────┘
│ Yes
│ POP is working
Figure 279. POP Problem Analysis
478 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4