Displaying Associated Routes
To display information about the routes associated with a specific interface:
1. On the Work with TCP/IP Interface Status display, type 8 in the option field for
each interface for which you want to see the associated routes information.
2. Press the Enter key.
The first of two displays with associated route information is shown in Figure 45 on
page 67.
If you have requested associated route information for more than one interface,
press the Enter key to view the remaining displays.
Display TCP/IP Interface Status
System: SYSNAM04
Interface host name.............: sysnam04.endicott.ibm. >
Internet address ..............:
Subnet mask................:
Network address..............:
Host address ...............:
Directed broadcast address ........:
Interface status ..............: Active
Change date/time ..............: 04/26/94 14:32:32
Line description ..............: TRNLINE
Line type..................: *TRLAN
Type of service...............: *MAXTHRPUT
Maximum transmission unit..........: 1989
Automatic start...............: *YES
TRLAN bit sequencing ............: *MSB
Figure 44. Display TCP/IP Interface Status for a Token-Ring Interface
66 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4