
characters A-Z (uppercase and lowercase), 0-9, $ (dollar), @ (at sign), and #
(number sign). The location name must begin with an alphabetic character.
v Try to limit your domain name labels to 12 characters because shorter labels are
easier to remember.
v It is a common practice to use hierarchical names that allow predictable
extensions for change and growth. Domain names normally reflect the delegation
of authority or hierarchy that is used to assign them.
For example, the name
can be broken down into the
COM: All commercial networks.
ABC.COM: All systems in the ABC company’s commercial network.
MFG.ABC.COM: All manufacturing systems in the ABC company’s commercial
A host that is named
in the manufacturing area of the ABC company’s
commercial network.
The COM designation is one of several domain names that are used when
connecting to the Internet. Some of the other domain names are as follows:
ARTS Entities with activities related to culture and entertainment
COM Commercial organizations
Country code
Countries that may be other than US
EDU Educational institutions
FIRM Business or firm
GOV Government institutions
INFO Entities that provide information services
MIL Military groups
NET Major network support centers (Internet)
NOM An individual or personal nomenclature
ORG Organizations
REC Entities with activities related to recreation and entertainment
Businesses offering goods to purchase
WEB Entities with activities related to the world wide web
For example, one of the domain names used in this book
indicates the following:
- The
authority has assigned company “ABC” into the commercial
organizations group.
- Company ABC authority has assigned this address to the group named
- Company ABC authority has assigned SYSNAM01 as the name for this
IBM AS/400 business computing system.
Chapter 1. TCP/IP on AS/400 11