8. Stop, then restart the workstation gateway server to enable the change.
If you want to serve the Tips push button from a different server, use the
instructions provided with that server to enable the online help information. If you
serve the help information from another server, then must move the file off the
AS/400 system and rename it to the UNIX, DOS, OS/2, or other convention for help
(such as wsghelp.html or wsghelp.htm).
The online help information is also available on the Internet at this URL:
Customizing Web Browser Online Help Information
If desired, you can customize the information that your workstation gateway server
sends to Web browsers. To do this, first enable the online help information. Next,
use a browser editor to change the HTML content in the help file.
Managing the Access Log
The QATMTLOG file is shipped with MAXMBRS(*NOMAX) and SIZE(*NOMAX).
Therefore, if you plan to use logging, you can change these file attributes to set
limits. If you set limits and the file becomes full for the second time on the same
day, the AS/400 system renames the file to a new member sends a message
indicating that it has done so. The job log and the QSYSOPR message queues
both receive the message. The member name has the format Qcyymmdd, where
c=0 means 19xx and where c=1 means 20xx. The scheme is based on the date,
meaning that the rename works only once a day.
If you find that you receive such messages more than once a day, consider
enlarging the limit so that the system can record a day’s worth of log records in a
file. When the system is renaming the log file, it does not log any access records or
affect the workstation gateway server function.
The AS/400 system renames this log file only once on any one day. When the log
file is full, the system sends a message to the job log and to QSYSOPR stating that
the file is full. Logging suspends when the file is full. You must delete or rename the
file member yourself to activate logging again.
Figure 205 on page 331 shows a partial display that results when you display the
QATMTLOG member using the STRPDM command.
330 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4