2. Perform the FTP operation that you want to trace.
3. Type QUOTE DBUG again to end the trace. The trace creates a spooled file called
QTMFFTRC. The default output queue contains the spooled file. The user is
always the name of the user who was logged on to the FTP server when the
trace was ended.
4. Type QUIT to end the FTP session.
5. Enter the following command to find the output queue:
For example, the following display appears:
The printer device is also the name of the default system output queue.
6. Record the name of the printer device. In this example, PRT01 is the printer
7. Press F12 (Cancel) to return to the display where you entered the
DSPSYSVAL command.
8. Type the following command:
WRKOUTQ OUTQ(printer-device)
Replace printer-device with the printer device recorded in the previous
display. PRT01 is the output queue in this example. For example, the following
display appears:
File Transfer Protocol
Previous FTP subcommands and messages:
Connecting to host name xxxxxnnn.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xxx at address
n.nnn.nn.nnn using port 21.
220-QTCP at xxxxxnnn.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xxx.
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
215 OS/400 is the remote operating system. The TCP/IP version is
331 Enter password.
230 TEST logged on.
250 Now using naming format "0".
257 "QGPL" is current library.
> quote dbug
250 Debug mode is now ON.
Enter an FTP subcommand.
===> quote dbug
F3=Exit F6=Print F9=Retrieve
F17=Top F18=Bottom F21=CL command line
Figure 257. Using the FTP Subcommand QUOTE DBUG
Display System Value
System value.....: QPRTDEV
Description .....: Printer device description
Printer device....: PRT01 Name
Figure 258. Display System Value Display
454 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4