Chapter 13. BOOTP Server
Bootstrap Protocol, or BOOTP, provides a dynamic method for associating
workstations with servers. It also provides a dynamic method for assigning
workstation IP addresses and initial program load (IPL) sources. Together, BOOTP
and Trivial File Transfer Protocol, or TFTP, provide support for the IBM Network
Station for the AS/400 system. They also provide support for other clients that use
the BOOTP and TFTP protocols. For more information on TFTP, see “Chapter 14.
TFTP Server” on page 383.
BOOTP is a TCP/IP protocol. It allows a client to find its IP address and the name
of a load file from a server on the network. A client uses BOOTP to find this
information without intervention from the user of the client.
The BOOTP server listens on the well-known BOOTP server port 67, which DHCP
also uses. Because of this, BOOTP and DHCP cannot operate at the same time on
the same system. When the server receives a client request, it looks up the IP
address that is defined for the client and returns a reply to that client. This reply
contains both the client’s IP address and the name of the load file. The client then
initiates a TFTP request to the server for the load file.
The mapping between the client hardware address and IP address is kept in the
BOOTP table, which the AS/400 system administrator maintains. For information
about working with the BOOTP table, see “Working with the BOOTP Table” on
page 379.
Accessing BOOTP Functions through Operations Navigator
You can access BOOTP server functions from a command line interface or from
Operations Navigator. Not all BOOTP functions are available on both interfaces.
This chapter discusses how to start, stop, and configure the BOOTP server from
the command line interface. The only Operations Navigator function that this
chapter documents is how to add Network Stations to existings BOOTP
environments. For more information, see “Adding IBM Network Stations to an
Existing BOOTP Environment” on page 379.
To access BOOTP server functions through Operations Navigator, perform the
following steps:
1. Double-click your AS/400 server in the main tree view of Operations Navigator.
2. Double-click Network.
3. Double-click Servers.
4. Double-click TCP/IP.
5. Right-click BOOTP to open a context menu of BOOTP server functions.
Note: Although some of the functionality of the command line interface and the
Operations Navigator is the same, the actual menu commands and
parameters are not necessarily the same.
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