Display VT Keyboard Map
5250 Function VT100/VT220 key(s)
5250 Attention....: *CTLA *ESCA
5250 Help ......: *CTLQST *ESCH
Page Down (Roll Up) . : *CTLD *CTLF *NXTSCR
Page Up (Roll Down) . : *CTLB *CTLU *PRVSCR
System Request....: *CTLC *ESCS
Insert........: *ESCI *ESCDLT
Delete........: *DLT
Enter ........: *RETURN
Backspace ......: *BACKSPC
Duplicate ......: *ESCD
Erase Input .....: *CTLE
Error Reset .....: *CTLR *ESCR
Field Exit......: *CTLK *CTLX *ESCX
Field Minus .....: *ESCM
Home.........: *CTLO
NewLine.......: *ESCLF
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Setting a VTxxx Keyboard Map:
You can change the default keyboard mapping
using the Set VT Keyboard Map (SETVTMAP) command or using option 5 (Set VT
keyboard map) from the Configure TCP/IP Telnet menu while your terminal is in
VTxxx emulation mode. When the command is used without any user-specified
parameters, the default keyboard mapping specified in Table 18 on page 202 is
restored. You can specify up to four of the defined special values for each
parameter. A special value cannot be used to specify more than one AS/400
Type SETVTMAP to show the keyboard mapping displays. You are shown the
following initial display. Use the Page Down key to see the remainder of the
Set VT Keyboard Map (SETVTMAP)
Type choices, press Enter.
5250 Attention......... *CTLA *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *ESCA
5250 Help ........... *CTLQST *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *ESCH
Page Down (Roll Up) ...... *CTLD *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *NXTSCR
Page Up (Roll Down) ...... *CTLB *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *PRVSCR
System Request......... *ESCS *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *CTLC
Insert............. *ESCI *CTLA, *CTLB, *CTLC...
+ for more values *INS
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
You can press F4 (Prompt) to display the parameter values.
Changing a VTxxx Keyboard Map:
Like the SETVTMAP command, the Change
VT Keyboard Map (CHGVTMAP) command allows you to customize the keyboard
mapping when connected to an AS/400 Telnet server operating in VTxxx mode. The
difference between these two commands is that the parameters for the SETVTMAP
command default to the shipped values while the parameters for the CHGVTMAP
command default to the currently set values. Except for this distinction, the two
commands are identical.
206 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4