Check the following if you do receive an error:
v The SMTP job is active in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
v There is a routing entry in the QSNADS subsystem for SMTP.
v There is an SMTP alias table on the remote host for the recipient.
After receiving the error shown in Figure 265 on page 464 and Figure 266 on
page 464, you should verify that there is a directory entry on the remote host for
the recipient.
MAIL P:12 VIEW Instruction Pg:1 Ln:1
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 13:56:51 .
Subject: Undeliverable Mail
AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM unable to deliver following mail.
Retries exhausted while attempting to connect to remote host system AS400A.RCH
F3=Exit F7=Window F12=Cancel F16=File remote
F4=Find char F8=Reset F13=Edit option F17=Function
F5=Goto F10=Forward F14=Delete mail F19=Print
F6=Find F11=Reply F15=File local F21=Nondisplay keys
Figure 263. Mail Error Message, Example 1 (1 of 2)
MAIL P:12 VIEW Pg:1 Ln:16
Retries exhausted while attempting to connect to remote host system AS400A.RCH
** Text of Mail follows **
Received from AS400A by AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM (SMTP Version 1) Release 3.0
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 13:50:47 .
F3=Exit F7=Window F12=Cancel F16=File remote
F4=Find char F8=Reset F13=Edit option F17=Function
F5=Goto F10=Forward F14=Delete mail F19=Print
F6=Find F11=Reply F15=File local F21=Nondisplay keys
Figure 264. Mail Error Message, Example 1 (2 of 2)
Chapter 21. TCP/IP Problem Analysis 463