
int iCol = 0;
int iLast = 0;
int iTotalRows = 0;
int iLen;
int iBytes;
unsigned char c;
char acLine[20];
char Buff[512];
char *pBuff = Buff;
/* If debug is not active, nothing to do here... */
if (!fDebug || (Buffer == (char *)NULL)) {
record("buffer: Buffer is NULL\n");
} /* endif */
Figure 302. Sample WSG Server Logon Exit Program (Part 30 of 50)
/* Calculate total rows to fit all bytes */
iTotalRows = (Length + 15) / 16;
/* Primary loop for rows */
for (iRow = 0; iRow < iTotalRows; iRow++) {
/* Offset into line by 4 blank characters */
/* Print 16 bytes of the buffer as the hexadecimal dump section */
/* Primary loop for columns */
Figure 302. Sample WSG Server Logon Exit Program (Part 31 of 50)
Appendix E. TCP/IP Application Exit Points and Programs 585