4. The AS/400 F1-F12 functions are mapped to the Esc key followed by one of the
keys in the top row of a VTxxx keyboard. The F13-F24 functions are mapped to
the Esc key followed by a shifted key in the top row of a VTxxx keyboard.
5. Some Telnet VTxxx client systems use Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q for flow control
purposes. This is generally referred to as XON/XOFF flow control. If you are
using a client system that has XON/XOFF enabled, you should not use the
values *CTLS and *CTLQ in your keyboard mapping.
Table 18. Special Values for VTxxx Keys
Default 5250 Function Special Value VTxxx Keys Hexadecimal Value
Attention *CTLA <CTRL-A> X'01'
*ESCA <ESC><A> X'1B41'
Backspace *BACKSPC <Backspace or CTRL-H> X'08'
Clear Screen *ESCC <ESC><C> X'1B43'
Cursor Down *CSRDOWN <Down Arrow> X'1B5B42'
Cursor Left *CSRLEFT <Left Arrow> X'1B5B44'
Cursor Right *CSRRIGHT <Right Arrow> X'1B5B43'
Cursor Up *CSRUP <Up Arrow> X'1B5B41'
Delete *DLT <Delete> X'7F'
*RMV <Remove> X'1B5B337E'
Duplicate *ESCD <ESC><D> X'1B44'
Enter *RETURN <Return or CTRL-M> X'0D'
Erase Input *CTLE <CTRL-E> X'05'
Error Reset *CTLR <CTRL-R> X'12'
*ESCR <ESC><R> X'1B52'
Field Advance *TAB <TAB or CTRL-I> X'09'
Field Backspace *ESCTAB <ESC><Tab or CTRL-I> X'1B09'
Field Exit *CTLK <CTRL-K> X'OB'
*CTLX <CTRL-X> X'18'
*ESCX <ESC><X> X'1B58'
Field Minus *ESCM <ESC><M> X'1B4D'
Help *CTLQST <CTRL-Question Mark> X'1F'
*ESCH <ESC><H> X'1B48'
Home *CTLO <CTRL-O> X'0F'
Insert *ESCI <ESC><I> X'1B49'
*ESCDLT <ESC><Delete> X'1B7F'
*INS <Insert Here> X'1B5B327E'
New Line *ESCLF <ESC> <Line Feed or
202 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4