Special Characters
*AIX format 73
*ANS configuration profile 132
*AS400 format 73
*BASE pool size 425
*CTLQ value 202
*CTLS value 202
*IOSYSCFG authority 30
*NIC format 73
*PPP, PPP/SLIP over 156
*SYSGEN default value 30, 506
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
attributes 36
command authority for users
QSRV 509
routing 12
software 12
3270 full-screen mode
handling null characters 162
mapping table 523
messages 162
screen size 161
setting up 183
Start TCP/IP Telnet (STRTCPTELN) command
applicable parameters 160
Telnet server 186
3270 mapping tables
creating a source member
incoming data 521
outgoing data 522
used by TELNET 521
3278-2-E terminal type 195
5250 data streams
converting to HTML 319
5250 full-screen mode
screen size 159
setting up 183
Start TCP/IP Telnet (STRTCPTELN) command
applicable parameters 159
5250 keyboard mapping
from AIX TN3270 533
from DOS TN3270 (PC/TCP) 532
from OS/2 TN3270 (PMANT) 532
from VAX/MVS 533
AA entry 506
access log (ACCLOG) parameter 330
access logging (ACCLOG) parameter 327
Internet 3
remote system 152
SST 494
ACCLOG (access log) parameter 330
ACCLOG (access logging) parameter 327
active jobs
working with 138
how to find installed 128
SLIP, supported 128
Add Authorization List Entry (ADDAUTLE)
command 147
Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC) command 394
Add TCP/IP Remote System Information (ADDTCPRSI)
command 37
Add TCP/IP Route (ADDTCPRTE) command 34
Add Work Station Entry (ADDWSE) command 233
ADDAUTLE (Add Authorization List Entry)
command 147
authorization list entry 147
configuration profile for SLIP
dial-in 133
dial-out 133
default routes 35
Network Stations to DHCP 420
TCP/IP remote system information 37
TCP/IP route 32
broadcast 8
character restrictions 10
class A networks 4
class B networks 4
class C networks 4
class D networks 4
class E networks 4
extension to Internet addressing 6
fixed-length 19
hardware 19
internet 2
Internet 3
internet 18, 19
assigning 2
physical hardware 2
address book, POP mail server 311
cache 312
configuring 294
refresh interval 294
address mapping
IP addresses 232
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 19
address types
supported by MAPI service providers 311
ADDTCPIFC (Add TCP/IP Interface) command 394
ADDTCPRSI (Add TCP/IP Remote System Information)
command 37
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 605